Abby Surrette
Abby finds joy in transforming dog owners’ transactional relationships with their dogs to conversational ones - building a deeper, mutual relationship between dogs and their people without fear, force, or pain.
Building on years of clinical veterinary work and dog play group management, Abby attended British Columbia’s Good Dog Academy - one of the few certified, knowledge and skills assessed dog training schools in Canada. She is an accredited dog trainer through the IAABC, and a certified fear-free professional. Abby takes a science-based approach using fear-free positive reinforcement training methods.
Abby continues attending classes and workshops held by highly experienced trainers to further her knowledge and hone her skills with a focus on reactivity and confidence building.
When not training, you can find her trying out a new dog sport with her dogs, conserving local wilderness areas, and exploring trails less travelled throughout Nova Scotia.